To Want Everything and Nothing At The Same Time

I saw Michelle Branch perform on Saturday at Roselands. I�ve been listening to her CD non-stop since October (when I had to order it from the US cause it wasn�t released here) and finally, finally, finally she is known here. It�s not a Britney type following but it�s a loyal following. I walked 3.3km in boots to see her. I got there by 8.00am (she was appearing at 11.00am) and settled down with a book. I kept double checking that I had the CD in my bag and the camera was fully charged and that my hair was okay (I was hoping for a picture with her).

I love how sometimes you can just leave the house and you have no idea what the day will have in store for you. It�s funny how sometimes I�ll have days of complete crankiness in which I will not talk to anyone nor even smile at cute little babies. Saturday was definitely not one of those days. When I get excited about something I tend to just explode and talk to all and sundry. I made quick friends with a bloke named Allan who was from Parramatta and we talked until Michelle came out. Then we�d be joking and laughing in line waiting for her to sign our CDs and get pictures. I ended up talking to a girl named Carmella as well and I was just so happy that I was in the vicinity of Michelle that I told Carmella to tell me to shut up if my babbling was annoying her (she didn�t). So I finally got up on stage and I did literally go speechless once I got in front of Michelle. Then once I got someone to take a picture of us (I say hey to her as I crouched down to her sitting-on-a-chair-level and she said hey back � yeah, it�s the little things that count) I finally found my voice and I said
�Can I ask you a quick question?�
�What is your favourite song on the album?�
�Um, ooo, probably All You Wanted and You Get Me�
�I love Drop in the Ocean, I just play it over and over again�
�Hey, that�s my third favourite�

So there endeth my career in music journalism. I actually had all this other stuff to ask but my brain didn�t really want to connect with my mouth for a while. I walked off stage, bumped into Allan and we exchanged words like �Oh my god, she�s so cool� and then I realised I was shaking. My body tends to give me a delayed reaction when it comes to something exciting like that. About ten minutes later as I went to shop for boots (yes more, I say three pairs is never enough!) I started to feel very nauseous and attributed that to the whole seeing a famous person in the flesh thing. Apart from my body falling apart I�d have to say it was a great day, thanks Michelle for making me feel a little special on Saturday.

Goodbye To You

Tyd13 May 2002 - 11:03 am

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