Hot in the City Tonight

I don�t deal well with heat. An almost-seven-month-pregnant me really doesn�t deal well with heat. Combine that with humidity of 90% and we may as well all pack up and move into a freezer for the next few weeks.

We had a great break over Christmas up at The Sexy�s parent�s place and it was nice to sit back, relax and read seven books in two weeks.

It was requested that I cook Karelian pastries for Christmas so we got stuck into that a few days before Christmas. I had made a batch previously for my family Christmas day the weekend before and they had turned out quite well and seemed to be easier to make than last time (not too sticky with the dough and generally more manageable).

On that humid day before Christmas it was a nightmare. Sticking to EVERYTHING! I actually broke down in tears once and told The Sexy that he better enjoy these ones as they were the last time I would ever make them. EVER!

We made up the batch, cooked them and stuck them in the cupboard in a container ready for Christmas. Two days later when we took them out of the cupboard they were furry. Like baby doves had crapped all their cute grey fuzziness over them.

You could imagine that made me a happy, cheery person. We had some leftover dough and filling so we made some more. When I saw we, his mum stepped into the breach and rolled the dough and cut it out, I spooned on the filling and The Sexy made them into little boats.

So we determined that the problem with making them this time was definitely to do with the heat and the humidity. Maybe I would make them again on the coldest day in winter.

Then The Sexy, that cheeky bugger, pointed out that when we move to Tassie I could make them all the the humidity is very low there.

*shakes fists*

But they are worth it. Especially with a good helping of egg butter on them!


9 January 2009 - 11:12 am

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