I Done It Real Good

I�ve become such a grammar snob lately. I don�t pretend that I have perfect grammar (may I point you to the back button for a slew of evidence), but I do try my best and there are some grammatical errors that are so glaring.

Some in fact that when I hear people speak them I get a little brain cringe and one of my eyes starts to close up in pain.

I done it.
It�s real good.

It�s funny because I had this conversation with a person in the office just last week how it seems that they just don�t teach children proper grammar and spelling in school these days (honestly, I must be one step away from retirement and a piddly pension) and she agreed and we shared a knowing smile.

Since then she seems to have increased her usage of the term �I done it�. Am I being paranoid?

Maybe she goes home at night and giggles to herself knowing that my eye is twitching and my brain is cringing every time she says it.

Or maybe that�s just the way she talks. Maybe she don�t even know that she done it. *cough*

It really hurt to type that sentence. My fingers are itching to head back and fix it.

MUST FIX IT! *sigh* Will resist, must keep using irony to make funniness in diary.



19 April 2006 - 4:20 pm

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