Toodle-loo Tonsils!

I arrived at the hospital at 6.00am, checked in and was led up to my room. There was a lady in the other bed that made some sort of weird hocking/choking sound every now and then. I was to be the first one up that morning and so I had to have a shower with antiseptic soap and put on a gown and paper pants. Quite amusing to onlookers but not so to me. The anathesiologist came to talk to me and told me all about the yucky needle she was going to whack in the top of my hand (ick) and then some bloke came to wheel me down to the recovery room which was also the �where they stick you before you go into theatre� room. He just quite funny and very jolly and I think they must screen people for a sense of humour before they get employement in that field. It relaxes you anyway with all their joking around.

They stuck a few of those sticky circle things with wires attached to me to monitor stuff during the op and then the anathesia chick stuck the IV in my hand. I commented to her how quick the stuff seemed to be working and then I passed out. It was about ten to nine when I came to (went into surgery about 7.30am so I wasn�t out for long) and I did the clich�d thing that people do in the movies where they reach up to remove the oxygen mask with a confused look on their face. It wasn�t until sometime in the afternoon that my brain connected the facts that I had had one on my face. I was just sort of flailing my hands about in front of my face and coughing. I should have enjoyed it more! Anyway so I was floating from the after effects of the knock out drug and the wheely bed ride back to my room was very cool but slightly nausea inducing.

In the matter of five minutes my pain on a scale of 1 to 10 (ten being the ouchiest) went from 3 to 5 to 8. I got a shot in the arm of morphine which did nothing for the pain but just made me not care about it and then I slept a lot. I vaguely remember being shifted to my own room cause they were bringing a bloke in later.

Although I have issues with IV needles in my hand I thoroughly enjoyed the �hey look at me I�m a real patient here� aspect of it all. I revelled in the typical shuffle to the toilet while leaning on the IV pole thing. There was however a nudity embarrassment moment when the nurse decided while I was on the dunny I may as well change into my PJs. So then room 316 became some what of a peep show. Then the next day it was horrible moment of throwing up because they were trying to get me to eat more. The resulting anti-nausea shot in my bum was really painful because I kept accidentally clenching! Is anyone getting scary visuals? Yeah, me too :oP

So that was my hospital adventure. Even thought there was embarrassment and yickyness I really did enjoy being a patient. I�m weird like that. It�s a TV and movie thing. Next I�ll be buying a wand and trying to talk to snakes ala Harry Potter. Hang on a sec, I am buying a wand. Not going to talk to snakes though...not a Parselmouth hehehe.

So now I�m back at work. Life sucks sometimes.


25 November 2002 - 2:04 pm

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