Hug The Velvet!

It was one of those weekends where a lot happened, but not one single thing was big enough to constitute an entry, so you're getting all of it in a hotchpotch manner.

- Went suit shopping on the weekend with CCB, Crayon and Tung for the wedding. When we went into Spotlight I found a bolt of Vienna velvet that was so soft I spent the better part of 5 minutes hugging it and saying to everyone around me 'Hug the velvet!'. Crayon refused to hug the velvet but was quite happy to 'Hug the monkey patterned polar fleece!'.

- Went to the hairdressers and told her to butcher my hair. Was not too surprised when 15 minutes later the majority of my hair was on the floor and I looked like a 14 year old teeny bopper that should have been wearing a wide belt and 80s slouch boots.

- Had sex on a barbeque in a park at 1 in the morning. No, it wasn't turned on...[insert some bad joke about it still 'sizzling' though].

- Having weird dreams about Sperm Boy and cheating on Elmo. This is the longest relationship I've been in (woo hoo, passed the 2 month mark!) and it's freaking me out. The dreams, not the relationship, that's still fine.

Enjoy? :o)


4 March 2002 - 6:57 am

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