My Inner Voice Is Texan

I�m not sure which town, though I�m leaning towards El Paso just because of the song El Paso by Marty Robbins which I�ve been craving to hear since yesterday. He actually has quite a few songs with El Paso in the title, El Paso City and Feleena (from El Paso) come to mind. So whenever I think in my head it always sounds like a Southern drawl. I asked my mother if she thought in her normal accent and she said �Ah, I�ve never thought about it� but I�m assuming it would be Australian. It�s like my mind has this whole other world it lives in when I�m not using it. This world is fully functional too. It�s not so much with the sun and flowers and outside, it�s more like a giant building, with a PA system and a concert hall with daily musical guests.

Yesterday afternoon a British voice was paging �Ballywhat Whozamadingle, contact reception please, Ballywhat Whozamadingle�. I don�t think he was there either cause the message was repeated at least every hour or so for the rest of the day. Maybe he got caught in the wax build up in my ears. Gross!

I think it�s saying something that the musical guest yesterday was The Beatles singing 'Help' me.

Someone tighten the restraints!


21 February 2002 - 3:09 pm

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