I'll Have One Of Those & One Of Those Too, Please!

Ah, the joys of shopping till your credit card screams STOP!. Is there a greater joy in the world? (Apart from motherhood and love and all that other crap). It's an even better day when you make a list and manage to tick everything off. That has never happened to me before. Usually you make a list and then nothing on the list gets bought and you end up buying chocolate to make you feel better and eating sour skittles till flaps of skin start hanging from the roof of your mouth.

I did today, what I like to refer to as, power/deadline shopping. It's when you need something that day or the following day. I achieved it earlier this year before Shelle's wedding when three hours before the vows were to take place I was at the local shopping centre rustling up an outfit. I bumped into a friend who was doing likewise and we managed to put together whole outfits in just an hour. Yeah us! I didn't however manage to find shoes that I wanted so I couldn't tick off the whole list.

The kids have a performance tomorrow night at an art gallery and I thought I'd try to look arty so I've bought a black skirt, black shirt, one of those giant blue flower brooch things and a bright blue bag that will totally go with my I'm an artist, darling look that I hope to achieve. My problem is now I need shoes. So I'm going shopping with Nudie tomorrow and hopefully I'll find something there. I'm thinking along the lines of something cute and pixie shoe like. After shopping Nudie is dropping me straight at the gallery so I have to be prepared. Oi.

Glad that burst of femininity is behind me

Tyd 7 December 2001 - 5:12 pm

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