Mac Take Two

This one isn't as cute as the other one. Or maybe it is. You be the judge.

I recently purchased a loft bed for my room (woo hoo IKEA) and I thought that it would solve my problems of waking up pinned into bed by both Mac and Smitty (my dog). I figure, stick the bed in the air and they can't get to me. The cat can jump high, but not 1.7m!

So one night I climb up into bed (thank you Mr Ladder) and there is the cat, sitting right in the middle of my dressing gown. Hmmm. So apparently he'd jumped up via the dressing table, onto the foot of the bed and then annoyed the crap outta me. So I fixed that problem by putting stuff all over my dressing table. Bingo, couldn't jump up.

Then on Saturday after watching me use the ladder he thought he'd give it a try. He ended up halfway up the ladder hanging on for dear life with his back paws daggling in the air. I fell on the floor in laughter, he looked so hilarious. So I figured it was all finished. All said and done.

This morning I woke up and he was poised at the bottom of the ladder destined to try again. I was half asleep and begged him not to do in case I burst something laughing at him falling down.

Long story short: He made it.

Looks like getting a loft bed didn't solve my problem.

Maybe I should just rename this to Adventures of Mac the Cat. Hmmm.


Tyd10 July 2001 - 10:30 am

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