Quick! Clean, Wash & Then Hide - They're Back

Parental units have returned from Turkey. About time too, I was beginning to become all self sufficient with household things. Wouldn't want that to happen. Quite happy to not grow up for a couple of years yet.

Their reaction to my girls was this 'Sorry, did you say mice? Okay then.' I think they were just really tired. I can expect yelling and 'Are you insane? We have a cat!' comments when I get home tonight. If it's any consellation, I cleaned the bathroom really well! Nah, didn't think so.

So let me see what this means for my social life. I can go out places and not have to worry about Smit, Mac and my girls being alone. Or I can do what I used to do before they went away. Sit at home and watch TV cause let's face it, my friends and I are getting old and we just don't get out anymore. Socialising? With real people? Isn't that something they did in the good old days? You know before computers and movie marathons - when everyone had a dance card and girls giggled about going steady with dreamy boys named Tommy and Chad.

Going off to put on slippers and a sensible cardi

Tyd22 October 2001 - 2:22 pm

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