Git Up There Pardner

I honestly think that I�m drifting through life a bit at the moment. I know what I want to do but I don�t think I can achieve it so I don�t even try. It�s ridiculous isn�t it? Of course that brings me to New Year�s resolutions. They do work you know, sure it took me about 16 years for one to work, but it did work. It was to stop biting my nails and the reason I finally stopped was because I didn�t want to have to spend money on getting fake nails for the formal. Monetary reasons is always a nice kick in the butt to start those resolutions.

My resolutions this year thought seemed to be centred around spending money. Get fit. The get fit one has been around for quite a few years (7 at least) so maybe I�ll get lucky and this year will be the big one. Another resolution is once I get fit is to get an agent. I really love doing theatre but the real money is in doing movies. Third resolution is to start writing original fiction again and trying my darndest to bring it up to a standard that I might consider worthy to send off to a publisher. The fourth resolution is to learn a new skill.

I went horse riding with CCB and two of her friends on the weekend. I�ve always loved horse riding (although in my 23 years I�ve only done it four or five times) and the people that took us out on Saturday were really nice. While everyone was quite happy to just have the horse walk along I wanted cantering. Plus I wanted to learn how to make it look like you�re not on vibrate mode when it trots. The girl, Imry, was really helpful and I started to get the not bouncing-up-and-down-like-an-idiot-when-the-horse-is-trotting effect. My horse was very tired though (it was quite hot) and when we tried to make him canter he just ended up doing a fast trot. Never mind. This has made me think that maybe I should take up horse riding, really learn how to do it. It�ll cost money though and combined with my gym fees (HAHAHAHA. I think I just pulled a laughing muscle at the idea that I would actually join a gym) I don�t know if I�ll be able to afford all my trips and all the fun Harry Potter stuff I seem to be collecting.

Do you think if I asked for a raise at work because I wanted to learn how to ride a horse they�d give it to me? Maybe if I told them it would pay a shrink to make me saner they�d be more forthcoming.

Crazily yours


6 January 2003 - 10:39 am

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