I'll Pray to Go Quite Mad

I don�t think that my brain is in my head at the moment. That is to say, when I tap my skull it doesn�t sound particularly empty, it just isn�t responding. It may have leaked out of my non-coughing ear (when I clean my left ear with a cotton bud it makes me cough) when I wasn�t paying attention.

I just don�t feel that I can focus on anything properly at the mo�. I can�t decide whether it�s overload or underload. I�m used to updating Claws of a Raven religiously every Friday but that�s not going to happen this week. I think my focus is all off. I�m hopping from one thing to another and not sticking anywhere.

I should have updated this yesterday and earlier today but when I sit at my desk at work at the mo� I just don�t want to. I can�t think and then my phone will ring and I�ll forget all about it.

On a totally different note I saw Maid in Manhattan tonight. It was an AMEX/Qantas corporate do with a preview screening. It was funny, I laughed quite a bit. A nice romantic/comedy type movie even if my feelings towards Jennifer Lopez are less than loving. She just really bugs me sometimes.

The audition is tomorrow and I�ll probably ramble on about that on Friday.

Keep safe


5 March 2003 - 11:18 pm

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