It's All Free - Free I Tells Ya!

My mother named me after a Hitchcock film. It wasn�t easy on the playground in school with people running around yelling out, �Birds, BIRDS!� at me.

Okay so I wasn�t that Hitchcock film. And it wasn�t Psycho either thank you very much!

So anyway, the premise of the movie is that the main character is a frigid, compulsive stealer. I think it�s supposed to be all romantic and in the end Sean Connery marries her and sweeps her off her feet. I wouldn�t know, I�ve never seen it so that description is probably wrong cause I just grabbed snatches off the Internet. But let�s go back and focus on that stealing bit.

This morning on my way to work I had to drop into the travel agent to pick up the last documents for my big trip! [5 days and counting] I thought I�d drop into the florist first and grab a bunch of flowers for her because

1. Flowers always brighten someone�s day and

2. I�ve given her a bit of stress over the last few months.

So I pick a lovely bunch of gerberas and head over to the counter. No one there, not a soul in sight. I glance behind the tall desk to see if maybe they are doing something on the floor or putting something into a low drawer. Nope, nada, nichts.

I looked around for a little while, hoping someone would come jumping out of somewhere and serve me. I looked at the clock, decided I didn�t have time to wait around until the bitch came back and wrapped up the flowers myself, wrote them a short note with $20 attached and put it under the EFTPOS machine for them to find later.

My namesake would be horrified to hear that it never occurred to me to just take the flowers without paying. Apart from it being dishonest...the guilt would have wracked me forever!

Don�t mind me, just taking the moral high ground :o)


12 August 2003 - 4:52 pm

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