50 Things I Really Think You Should Know

I was reading slaseniye�s latest entry and I thought �Hey, that�s a great idea!� I�m not sure that I had 100 things though so I�ll narrow it down to 50. And now the fun begins:

1. My first sentence was �I do it�
2. I always wanted to grow my hair down past my boobs so I could walk along a beach topless like Brooke Shields did in Blue Lagoon.
3. I have a really good memory. Most of the time. I once fooled my mother into thinking that I could read a book at 3 and a half years old because I�d memorised the words and knew when to turn the pages.
4. I�d really like to live in the mountains one day.
5. I�d like to experience a white Christmas one year.
6. I wish I had a Scottish accent.
7. When I was two years old I used to smile...a lot. Apparently I used up my quota, I don�t smile as much now.
8. I used to hate writing stories at school. Now I write all the time!
9. My quote in the high school yearbook was �I�d like to win an Academy Award�.
10. Even though I submitted my own details for the yearbook they still managed to spell my name wrong.
11. It is my life goal (among other things) to visit every state in the USA. So far I�ve crossed off California and New York. I�m planning a trip with my Mum that will knock a further eight off the list.
12. I always wanted to be an exchange student in the USA so that I could have a locker and not have to wear a uniform to school.
13. My favourite number is 13. It�s the date I was born and I just really like it. I�m considering it as a tattoo.
14. I�ve only ever had two boyfriends. One when I was 15 and the other when I was 22. Long time between, eh!
15. I have one tattoo. It�s the woman symbol with little horns on it.
16. I love buying furniture from IKEA because I love putting things together.
17. I have a tool belt, but no tools to put in it.
18. At parties I prefer to hang out with the blokes because they just don�t seem as hung up on things.
19. I once ate 4kg (almost 9lb I think) of grapes by myself.
20. I see words and numbers in colours. For instance if you said 77 to me I�d instantly think of blue. Tyd is also blue.
21. Blue is my favourite colour overall. Red is my favourite colour when it comes to clothing.
22. I can get overly excited over silly things. E.g. the prospect of getting home and eating a Milky Way that I know I have in the cupboard.
23. When it comes to work my attention span is that of an ADD inflicted three year old.
24. When it comes to movies like Harry Potter and LOTR my attention span is limitless.
25. I would like a pet monkey.
26. I feel I can seriously communicate with my cat.
27. I am occasionally agoraphobic (fear of going outside)
28. I can�t cook.
29. I like driving around aimlessly for hours in the early hours of the morning. Soothes the soul.
30. I don�t seem capable of eating a burger intact. I have to pick it apart and eat it layer by layer.
31. I think my feet are my best feature.
32. I once called a teacher a turd.
33. I then got out of the detention by claiming I was stressed.
34. He devised me an exercise program to relieve the stress.
35. I threw it in the bin.
36. I would love to write novels for a living.
37. If I won the lottery I�d buy a miniature donkey.
38. The first alcoholic drink I ever had was brandy.
39. At a sleepover party when I was 11 the other girls threw water at me and crushed grapes in my hair while I was trying to sleep.
40. In primary school I was on crutches a lot. The boys used to go around pinching girls bums a lot. I used to hit them in the crotch with my crutch.
41. My first kiss was witnessed by 20 other people that had formed an archway with their hands. The boy came in, pecked me on the cheek and then left. I nearly passed out.
42. I�d really like to learn to play guitar.
43. I am very melodramatic with just about anything.
44. I annoy myself.
45. I can get violent when people try to accuse me of saying something I never said.
46. I love swimming.
47. But I hate the beach.
48. If I was reincarnated I�d like to come back as a turtle.
49. My middle name is Jean. When people are trying to guess I say it�s a type of leg covering without the s. A lot of people think my middle name is Pant.
50. No matter how many people I meet in my lifetime my parents are always going to be the coolest ones.

Do you feel you know me a little better now? :o)


10 January 2003 - 11:38 am

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