The Jig Is Up

This diary website shuts down today. It�s been a long time coming. I knew it was just a matter of time before he found it. Since I started this website in July 2001 I�ve been teasing my Dad about him not knowing where it was located. He tried everything to find out but nothing. And then in the end I slipped up. I wanted to alter something on the weekend and I used their home computer to do it. The address was just wallowing in there. He looked at it sometime during the week (he�s been home sick from work) and wasn�t sure whether or not he should tell me he�d read it. He thought it would stop me from being honest here if I knew he was reading it. And he was right. So I�m shutting down.

Kidding, hehehe. I bet I had you going there didn�t I, Dad? Purely for your benefit of course. I never told you the address cause I was afraid you�d discover that I wasn�t in fact working in real estate all these years and had been operating an illegal donkey porn ring. All the hot donkey on donkey action you want. :o) I�m now guaranteed to get some weird French Google hits from that one. It always seems to be from the French Google that I get weird hits which of course leads me to believe that all French people are weird. *Dodges nasty emails from outraged French people* Okay I was just about to post them when I decided to check my stats and referrers. Someone in the UK searched for Extreme Yodelling. Extreme Yodelling? Is that in the X games? Cause you know, I�d pay to see that � HA!

So no, the site isn�t going anywhere, read all you like Dad, I don�t mind. I may just tone down the drunken escapades a bit. And if I get in major bouts of depression you should probably just ignore that.

Oh and as per last entry � that bloke isn�t the CEO. Now I�ve got no idea who he is. Must walk casually around the office for the next four hours until I accidentally bump into him.


31 January 2003 - 10:05 am

Make your mark | 0 have left their mark

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That's Not Quite The Definition
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