The Royal Easter Show

I helped out on the RSPCA stall at the Easter Show yesterday. I get a buzz out of selling things and knowing the money goes to a good cause. Plus I got a free hat and a t-shirt for working there, plus free entry to the show � a nice bonus.

A disturbing (to city people) question from a young man when I was at the stall. �Is it legal if you breed rabbits just so you can kill them to eat?� The four of us at the stall at the time did a collective �Five Cougars Thanks� blink and stared at him. Then we recovered slightly to answer his question. We didn�t know if it was illegal. He did bring up a valid point that you can do it with chickens, why not rabbits? His mother was hoping that we would tell him it was illegal. His father was on his side. He also made some comment about raising a kitten so you could feed it to the dog. I hope he was joking.

I bought a few showbags, the type that you�d want to buy when you were a kid but couldn�t afford it. The Idiot Showbag which was just stacked with crap, plus blow up boxing gloves! The Wonka Showbag filled with chocolate and lollies and a Wonka hat! I bought the Buffy one for the cool looking bag, the Freddo one cause, well chocolate and the Paws Pack from the RSPCA that had a blow up dog in it.

I�d forgotten how fun the show could be, I haven�t gone for ages (last time was because Mum wanted to go and she forced me) and I think it�s because of the crowds. But although the crowds are pretty bad, having it at Homebush now (yeah, yeah, I know it�s been there for years) doesn�t make it seem as bad cause the space is greater. I love checking out the cake decorating (amazing), the displays of fruit and grains (when they make it into a scene and stuff) and the wood chopping. I didn�t get to check out the diving pigs which was really popular.

Mum wouldn�t let me get my face painted at the free face painting stall. I can�t imagine why, there was nothing to say that you had to be a kid :oP


14 April 2003 - 9:35 am

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