The Bright Lights Are Calling Me � Hey Doofus!

I saw 8 Mile on Saturday with Cray and CCB. CCB didn�t want to see it initially but she decided to go and give Eminem the benefit of the doubt. Now she thinks he�s all types of hotness. Pretty funny. He does have very good �feel sorry for my character, he�s getting picked on� looks with those blue eyes of his. Brilliant really. When I see good movies it awakens my �wanting to be a movie actress� vibe. Lately it just doesn�t seem to want to settle down and hush up.

Then on Saturday night I went to see a play �Two Weeks with the Queen�. It was a good play, very sad, but good. I decided to apply for theatre membership with them as I�m getting too old for the youth theatre I�m a part of and I�ve decided that this year is the year. It�s the get my arse into gear for some sort of acting career or die trying. I�m much prefer not to do the dying part � doesn�t do anything for my complexion :oP

The train ride home was interesting. The train guard sounded very stressed when she announced, �Could the security guards please come to the guard�s carriage�. Some bloke was going ape-shit for no discernible reason and they had trouble catching him. I put him down as a nutter instantly because he was wearing bright yellow shorts. No sane person would do that. So then she made another announcement �We�re sorry but this train will be delayed until the police arrive� So I made a lame joke that that could take hours. The other people in the carriage laughed at that. Yay me! I made a joke in public and people laughed. It�s the small things.

I ran into a school friend on the train on Saturday night. We keep running into each other. She used to annoy me but the actual evidence of her being annoying is starting to wane � it may have to do with the fact that we are both madly in lust with Orlando Bloom and that�s our topic of conversations now. We�re planning on going to the Ned Kelly premiere in March if we can get tickets. There are cheap plane tickets and if that fails I can always drive down to the Melbourne. Of course if I met him I would melt into a puddle on the floor. Or just be completely speechless. Either way I�d make a fool of myself.

Maybe I don�t want to go afterall


28 January 2003 - 11:24 am

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