Tighten up Lads!

This is going to sound very last year � but have you heard about the GFC? No, not the General�s Fried Chicken, but the Global Financial Crisis. Well as is my way, I�ve come about it in a slow way and are just now taking measures to ensure my family can make it through! It�s time to tighten our belts (or indeed, buy one first. At an op shop) and buckle down and see what new and innovative ways can be used to save money and keep us bumbling along. That and the baby bonus payments are ending and I�m not going back to work anytime soon.

So last week I came up with the Four Week Fully Integrated and Rotational Budget Meal Plan (with cheese!). There are some hiccups (including trying to find a different name for it � FWIRBMPWC doesn�t exactly roll off the tongue and if it does, you�re wasting your alphabet soup!) but it�s day two and I think we�re going really well.

I actually sat down and figured out 28 dinners and exactly all the ingredients needed and set up two different grocery lists from Coles Online that covered these. I haven�t quite got to the exact costing amounts (ie 2 shakes of salt will equal 15c of the total cost of a 100g bag of salt) but so far it�s looking like I�ve cut our costs by half!

And you know what that means.


More in the budget for chocolate! Um, I mean savings?

A tight as (or is that tight Ass?)


18 March 2010 - 7:18 am

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